CLEVELAND — The Shoreway is ready for its close up and to close up…through June 15.
The highway is set to be used to shoot crashes, stunts and accidents for the movie “Captain America: The Winter Solider.”
At first, the closure was to start Thursday. It was moved a day to Friday, but Wednesday morning signs greeting Shoreway drivers still had the May 30 date, adding to confusion.
They were changed later in the day.
“The production company for the film was able to adjust their schedule…Despite the confusion, it’s a good thing. It gives us a one-day reprieve,” said city Communications Chief Maureen Harper.
The shutdown is still slated to last through June 15.
Traffic Commissioner James Muhic is the man masterminding the master detour plan that will reroute thousands of cars a day.
He has a map in his office, with post-it notes showing intersections where 25 officers will be directing traffic.
The main replacement route will be on Detroit Avenue.
“We have detours in place and we will have officers at pinch-points to override traffic signals and get the heavy traffic moving,” he said.
County workers parking in a popular lot near the east end of the Shoreway were still confused about what their detour driving plans will be.
A main entryway will be closed. One that will be open off West 9th requires drivers to go through construction.
Many said they’d ride RTA. RTA bus routes that use the Shoreway are being detoured too.
An attorney for the lot, dubbed “The Pit,” said it would lose most of its business for two weeks. Negotiations were still underway with the film production team for compensation.
Latest information about suggested detours is on the city blog at