Word is out that Google may be launching “super power specs” that can send you information right in your lenses while walking around.

Back in the day, kids dreamed about popping on a pair of glasses that would give them super powers, like “super-vision”. Put em’ on and see the bones in your hand, see you’re your clothes! New word is leaking out that Google is working on crazy new glasses that are like wearing a computer on your face.

Google Goggles can’t see through clothes, but when you put them on, you could look at a landmark and see tourist information right on your lenses.

They’ll have GPS and a built in camera so you’ll always know where you are and how to get where you’re going. Or you can play virtual games while you’re walking to work.

Bo Brinkman, whose work focuses on augmented reality at Miami University in Oxford Ohio says, he thinks we need to be extra careful, if we have pop up ads like we do on the web, or other things that are very distracting. He says that could be very dangerous.

The same Android system that powers your smartphone or tablet will give Google Goggles their superpowers. The glasses are the work of Google’s super-secret laboratory, “Google-X”, an experimental lab so secret you can’t find any pictures of it.

They won’t say exactly where it is and you can’t even Google it.

According to the New York Times, Google want these super specs to hit shelves by the end of the year at a cost of between $250 to $600 bucks.


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