Apr 14, 2012 | Featured, Portfolio, Reporting, Video, Writing
BAINBRIDGE — As always, major events in town mean a boost for the local economy. The Rock Hall’s Induction Week is no different. Local businesses benefit from extra money being spent. One local company that’s able to benefit from that is a small...
Apr 4, 2012 | Portfolio, Writing
CLEVELAND — Sometimes, it’s hard keeping the kids under control while you’re watching the game. Progressive Field has a fix for that problem — the all-new Kid’s Clubhouse. The walls between seven mezzanine level suites were removed to...
Mar 22, 2012 | Featured, Portfolio, Video, Writing
ELYRIA — A young boy’s family members decided the best way to teach him not to steal was to force him to confess his criminal activity to the entire city. After stealing items from a mall and being suspended from school, Trezahn Blaha, 12, had lots of free...
Mar 21, 2012 | Portfolio, Video
It’s no secret but it’s still hard to get past the shock. Gas prices are soaring. According to GasBuddy.com, the average price for a gallon of regular is $3.93. However, many stations around town are starting at $3.99 for a gallon of regular. With prices...
Mar 2, 2012 | Portfolio, Video
Word is out that Google may be launching “super power specs” that can send you information right in your lenses while walking around. Back in the day, kids dreamed about popping on a pair of glasses that would give them super powers, like...