Aug 5, 2015 | Portfolio, Reporting, Video
You might want to wait before you shop. S.B. 243 enacted a one-time sales tax holiday to occur only in 2015. It starts on Friday, August 7, at 12:01 a.m. and ends on Sunday, August 9 at 11:59 p.m. Can multiple qualifying items be purchased in a single tax-exempt...
Aug 4, 2015 | Featured, Portfolio, Reporting
MASSILLON, Ohio — Five different fire departments battled a blaze at historic St. Mary’s Church in Massillon. Fire officials tell WKYC that it’s a “significant” fire. The fire was discovered just after noon at the church at 206 Cherry Road N.E. The...
Jul 27, 2015 | Featured, Portfolio, Reporting
CLEVELAND — Several streets were closed late Sunday afternoon near Cleveland State University after a crowd of people were pepper sprayed by local law enforcement. Activists from around the country met in Cleveland for a “Black Lives Matter”...
Jul 23, 2015 | Portfolio, Reporting, Video
CLEVELAND – Cleveland and Akron roads are among some of the worst in the country, according to a report released Thursday by a national transportation research group. TRIP found in the Cleveland-Akron area “more than three-quarters of major urban roads are...